About Population and GDP* of the countries in war, as well as countries with frontiers and/or direct interest in the conflicts:
War in Middle East
Israel | about 0009 million (population) and 00500 USD Billion (GDP)
Palestine | about 0005 million (population) and 00020 USD Billion (GDP)
Lebanon | about 0005 million (population) and 00025 USD Billion (GDP)
Jordan | about 0011 million (population) and 00045 USD Billion (GDP)
Syria | about 0022 million (population) and 00015 USD Billion (GDP)
Egypt | about 0100 million (population) and 00450 USD Billion (GDP)
Iran | about 0084 million (population) and 00370 USD Billion (GDP)
War in Europe
Ukraine | about 0041 million (population) and 00170 USD Billion (GDP)
Russia | about 0146 million (population) and 02200 USD Billion (GDP)
USA | about 0330 million (population) and 25000 USD Billion (GDP)
China | about 1400 million (population) and 17000 USD Billion (GDP)
* tradingeconomics.com
The main alignments: Ukraine, Israel, USA x Russia, Palestine, China.
Population matters when do you have robots and artificial intelligence?
GDP matters when do you have nuclear weapons and bioweapons?
Why a poor country would attack a rich one?
Humans killing humans: our natural stupidity?
Homo homini lupus est, would say Mr. Thomas Hobbes
Thanatos, would say Mr. Sigmund Freud
What can we do about war?
What can we do when money matters less than nuclear power and other technologies?
The hate speech: how do this affect a collective bias?
How to restore the truth?
What truth?
Are both sides lying because of hatred and desire for revenge?
Are both sides being equally heard?
The facts of a war are always opposite perspectives, and there is no truth in this meaning.
I do not want to kill you, but if you came to kill me, then I will kill you.
Why did you come to kill me?
Who sent you?
None of these questions can be done on the battlefield.
The above questions shall be done before a war, in the aim to maintain the peace.
Every war start with a history, a story, about a fact or a myth repeated by persons whom suffered and has hurt and anger in the soul.
Oppression is the effect of the repeated perspective about a fact or a myth.
And who has power use the power according to the learned perspective.
How can the present state of art of the media technologies work pro societate, for the peace?
X, Meta, TikTok and others: helpful instruments in the search for peace?
How information and communication's technologies are essentials in war and in peace...
Is it secure for a person, in a war zone, to share what is happening in that territory?
Algorithms are prepared to target communications from war zone to the world's audience in a fair and secure way?
Smarthphones in war zones: trouble or solution?
And the Deepfakes? The Fake news? All tools of War Intelligence Departments?
The fact is: when no one listens, then remains the force as instrument of determination.
There is hate, no education, poverty, ambition, manipulation...: it is difficult to listen.
The Second World War ended by the force, the force of the atomic bombs of the USA, and not by a sudden enlightenment of the people.
At the limit of survival, when no one listen, force is what remains.
Force: when driven by Ethics, is it able to restore justice as equality among parties?
Force: is it possible justice as equality among parties when there is pure force, without ethics, without humanity purpose?
Justice as equality between parties: an illusion?
Justice as equality between parties: against Nature?
Tolerance: a fair agreement?
USA Empire: will use force?
Other nuclear countries: will use force?
11th and 12th October 2023
Rafael De Conti, philosopher and lawyer
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