Rafael De Conti





About the dream activity and initial questions for a new machine

02:55 a.m. I had a dream and woke up. Let's talk about dream, sensations, mind and brain. About one hour ago I wake up. The sensation was so real, as probably you already also had, because it is common the persons say: "I had a dream where things appears to be real". Let's observes this fact with a question. Do I need previously feel the reality to have a dream about this specific reality? Without experience of sense-presentation, can I have the supposed sensation for that situation? Let's go to examples. A person that do not had sex in reality can have an orgasm dreaming? I mean a person that never had sex before; this person can dream with a real orgasm? It is not the case of my dream. Let's proceed with one of the main pictures of my dream that probably have a direct connection with shame. That picture that appears like the explicit content, to use a language of Freud, is based on two psychological issues (latent content) of mine, being one connected to the other. Not necessarily not solved issues, but issues that take a lot of effort to solve. The picture itself is the feeling that my teeth were, at the period of minutes, in the middle of a party, falling out, in a process by which I become toothless. One by one the teeth were falling out inside my mouth, and I am feeling this process, and taking out the teeth, one by one, of my mouth to put inside a box that I am carrying. I never dreamed about this explicit content, nor about a latent content related with shame. Shame is not a word of my vocabulary. And obviously that in the dream are other contents, but for my purpose here this is not important. What matters is: Is the mind capable to create sensations never had, for example by approximation of sensations already had? The mind can create a never experienced sensation? The mind can make you feel without the sensation in fact? Do people with amputated limbs still feel like they have them? Does it happen that men ejaculate while sleeping? The sensation can be originated from the body to the mind, what is the usual, but the sensation also can be originated in mind without the body's sense-presentation instruments in the moment of the sensation. The data of the reason has as its source the own mind, and not the experience that we can have with the five senses. Let's think now about technology. Is it possible a machine that can create directly sensations in your mind, without the material activity of the five senses of your body?...something like in the film Matrix where it is plugged in the brain a physical instrument that can make you feel a smell or a touch on the skin without the material experience of the body...maybe the future of Metaverse?...maybe the deepest of the Virtual Reality?...and then I woke up. I tongued my teeth, rubbed one tooth against the other, got up and went for a drink of water, looked in the mirror at my teeth and thought: "all still original".

31th August 2022



Rafael De Conti, philosopher and lawyer




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